Another Project
I’m working on a graphic novelette…a telling of "the passion" in comic book form. I’m calling it Deus Fortis, and right now, I’m thinking of doing it with no word balloons at all, no real dialogue or narration…just the pictures telling the story. (Though there is at least one panel where I think I’ll be putting the direct quote from the gospels in the background of the scene…so there may be some stuff like that).
Anyway…here’s page one, black and white. (click on it to see it bigger)I may color this before its all over.
Whaddya’ think?
Anyway…here’s page one, black and white. (click on it to see it bigger)I may color this before its all over.
Whaddya’ think?
that is superb. keep going with it. are you looking to make it a print or web comic?..either way its great looking and i'd keep it black & white. i think color would take away from the linework.
Anonymous, at 8:55 AM
okay... just how many projects do you have going on at one time? i don't think i'd want to see your office! :) my OCD self would probably freak out - but i'm sure you're one of those people who know just where everything is, right? for what it's worth, i agree with the comment above - like the black and white. this is really awesome, rob, as is all of your art.
Darla, at 9:20 AM
Rob, I'm amazed by your gift; it's really an incredible one, you know. I have one thought about you not using words - a graphic novelette may reach a broad audience, and I'm wondering how difficult the story might be to understand for those who aren't Christians?
Anne, at 2:09 PM
artistxero- thanks for the encouragement! I keep checking your Samuel strip hoping for updates! I don't know if this will be a web thing or's just a hobby right now. :)
Darla- you are always so kind. yes, I'm a perpetual mess, and no, I usually DON'T know where anything is...but for some strange reason, that's half the fun of my life.
Mukejoy- looking forward to meeting your clan, and your son! Always encourage him in his desires, you never know where it can lead. Somehow, for 14 years I supported a family of 6 with my artwork...go figure. I'm sure you're very proud of your son.
Anne-thanks for your (waaaay too generous) assesment of what I doodle. As far as it being wordless and unintelligable to unbelievers...I guess I'm not really sure who it's for anyway. Right now, it's just for me (and I hope that's ok...I just need it).
Everybody is so nice to me...I find that utterly amazing, but wonderful. thanks.
rob, at 9:36 PM
Rob, I perfectly understand about it just being for you. My mind is just always focused on the unchurched from my work on our creative team - just a personal filter poppin out! Coincidentally (ha) on the emergent worship list I'm on, Mark Pierson posted this morning about a comic strip meditation entitled "40" about Christ's time in the wilderness that I'd never heard of. This is the link if you don't have it: Interestingly the artist says, "one thing that i would love to do is a comic-book gospel, getting a load of different cartoonists and comic-book artists to contribute their own retellings of an episode in the life of jesus. that's an ongoing dream...!"
Anne, at 2:58 AM
Hi Rob, from another Rob,
Just read your comment on my article at My email address can be found on my blog (robbymac). Feel free to email me sometime, if you'd like to talk about what I wrote. I'd be interested in hearing more of your thoughts.
Grace and peace,
Rob, at 11:43 AM
Nice project. Did you see the pictures of your art on my flickr site? You should check it out. they are in the eastgate set.
brianmetz, at 3:04 PM
So it's been a month since you last posted. I came wandering around here hoping to see the next page. I guess it's understandable seeing how you've been throwing your guts up. Feel better and then draw more so I can be amazed! Thanks!
Anonymous, at 9:26 AM
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