
Monday, September 11, 2006

Five Years Ago

I spent the morning watching the memorials which were televised, and also watching MSNBC's re-broadcast in real time of that fateful morning. Along with everyone else who was awake, I have a crystalline memory of that morning. Not just of the events as they unfolded on my TV, but also the emotions which battered me like getting caught in the impact zone of an overhead wave and tumbled. Thoughts of my kids at school, were they safe? Wondering what this meant. I remember that stunned silence when the second tower fell, and in that moment which seemed to teeter on the abyss of a loss of reason, Peter Jennings quietly breathing "My God."
I remember what flashed through my mind....the Scripture that just popped up....
and its interesting that with a few minimalist brushstrokes, I can convey an image of that which everyone would recognize. Something which would have just looked like an odd abstract on Sept 10th, 2001.
I also remember that even in that day of despair, there were glimpses of good that echoed back to God. The startling images of people running in terror away from that scene of devastation...but also the images of another group of men, grim with determination, who were walking TOWARD that storm. Heroes who, for that glorious moment, reflected the heart of The Hero, and reminded us that there WAS and IS hope. I remember seeing angels.

Five years later. May God grant peace on earth.


  • I remember walking into class and everyone was glued to the tv. I slid in and watched in awe. It was such an erie thing...sitting in silence with your friends, not really knowing how to take it all in. It felt like the end of the world somehow.

    Well done on the graphics. I've seen the fireman one before, but that first one was quite poignant.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:09 AM  

  • I was at work and the phone lines which normally have a wait time to get through suddenly went dead and no one was calling, and I remember thinking this is odd, and then someone came through on my line... and they asked me if I knew? I didn't. And I remember the surreal feeling when the person on the other end told me. Right then I thought, we're at war, and it's here, here in our country. Such a strange thought... it was like that movie... I think it's called Red Dawn or something... it's got Patrick Swayze when he was much younger... thoughts like that kept coming into my mind. It didn't fade for a long time, and sometimes I still wonder... Thanks for the thoughts and the photos

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:20 PM  

  • you're an amazing artist..... thank you for sharing these beautiful pieces rob.

    By Blogger Darla, at 4:15 PM  

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