
Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Road Trip

Took a road trip with my brother (Riley) yesterday. We went up to Defuniak Springs to visit my mom's old property and my mom and dad's graves. It was good to reminisce like that with him. As touching our immediate family, he and I are all that is left. My mom and dad are gone...and there was just the four of us to begin with. I was thinking about all the stuff my dad accomplished while he lived. It's an odd thought that right now, the only tangible connection he has with this earth is what he left behind. He himself is no longer here...but there is a residue of his presense, in our memories of him, in the lives he touched while here, in the thoughts he recorded on tape and on paper.

It makes me really wonder about what residue I'm building up to leave behind when I depart. I want to make a difference.